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Mirette on the High Wire Lapbook

Mirette on the High Wire, by Emily Arnold McCully, is a wonderful picture book that provides a wealth of interesting topics to pursue further. It also happens to be a Caldecott Medal winner for it’s excellent illustrations.

I’m using this book as part of the Five in a Row (FIAR) Volume 2 (2nd Edition) curriculum. I’ve also created a simple lapbook you can use to accompany this story in your FIAR adventures.

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Mirette on the High Wire Summary

Mirette on the High Wire tells the story of a young girl whose mother owns a boardinghouse in France. One day, a famous high wire walker, Bellini, comes to stay. Mirette is captivated by his skills and the stories she overhears of his amazing feats. Through hard work and the tutelage of the great Bellini, she also becomes a high wire walker.

She is instrumental in helping Bellini overcome the fear that has crippled his career. It’s a story of courage, determination, and friendship.

If you’re unfamiliar with the FIAR curriculum, I share a basic overview and how and why I like using this curriculum in the post A New Coat for Anna Lapbook.

Rowing Mirette on the High Wire for FIAR

We had really great discussions and fun experiences as we rowed Mirette on the High Wire.

(P.S. rowing means we read the book once a day for five days for this unit study, which is part of how the FIAR curriculum works.) 

We didn’t do as many activities with this book as we did with Mrs. Katz and Tush. However, these three listed below were a nice addition to our unit study.

Supplemental Books for Mirette on the High Wire

You don’t need to read any supplemental books when using FIAR. However, I usually like to read a few extra picture books during the week to further explore topics.

We read these additional picture books:

lapbook for mirette on the high wire FIAR

Explore Other Emily Arnold McCully Picture Books

I really enjoy Emily Arnold McCully’s books. I love reading books that are based on true stories, and she has quite a few. A few of my favorites have included Squirrel and John Muir, Strongheart, and Wonderhorse.

I especially appreciate that she writes so many books with young girls as the main character. It’s important to read stories to our daughters that have strong, female characters who have done important things. Small stories can have huge impact!

lapbook mirette on the high wire

Free Lapbook for Mirette on the High Wire

I am happy to share with you the 12-page lapbook I made for my daughter. It’s currently available in my ever-growing Resource Library for subscribers.

If you sign up, you will have immediate access to the library and this lapbook. You’ll also get access to other incredibly useful resources for your homeschool and personal self-care as a homeschool mom!

Lapbook Mirette on the High Wire Five in a Row


I hope this Mirette on the High Wire lapbook will benefit you as you use the FIAR curriculum. It also works if you want to read a story that addresses themes of friendship, determination, and adventure. Either way, I believe this resource will be helpful and useful in your homeschooling journey!

Do you use lapbooks in your homeschool? Have you ever used Five in a Row? Leave a comment and let me know!

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