I am a lover of books, and always turn to books to help me gain new information. Over the years I have read quite a few books about homeschooling. Some were more influential than others. Here are my top 5 homeschooling book picks that resonate with me the most.
My Picks For the Best Homeschooling Books
1–The Call of the Wild and Free: Reclaiming Wonder in Your Child’s Education
This book by Ainsely Arment of Wild and Free is a fresh reminder about why I love homeschooling. It’s written with heartfelt language and lovely pictures. It was what I read at bedtime for several weeks. Relaxing and enjoyable, the book addresses common myths related to homeschooling that just aren’t true anymore.
It also summarizes various types of homeschooling methods, which would be an excellent review for parents just starting out.
It emphasizes the importance of incorporating beauty into your child’s homeschool experience-through nature, art, and good books, and the necessity for allowing our kids to enjoy learning, and ultimately their childhoods.
I applaud the book’s call to community for homeschoolers. We don’t have to say that one method is better than another. We don’t have to subscribe to just one method of doing things. There is no competition.
We are a community of people that desire to educate our children, and that looks different for everybody. Let’s embrace our common goal, and the beauty that is at the root of that. Read this book for high inspiration!

2–Teaching From Rest: A Homeschooler’s Guide to Unshakable Peace
This book by Sarah MacKenzie of The Read Aloud Revival is like a breath of fresh air for me. I can’t remember how I stumbled upon it, but each chapter is like taking a relaxing, deep breath.
It is so easy as a homeschooler to fall into bad patterns or habits that are based more out of fear, worry or anxiety than out of rest and assurance.
The premise of the book is that we are teaching our kids best when we are teaching from a place of rest ourselves. This book reminds me to ask myself how I can approach each day differently and as a gift, with the privilege of spending it with my kids learning together.
Definitely time for me to do a re-read before the next school year begins!
3–Better Together: Strengthen Your Family, Simplify Your Homeschool, and Savor the Subjects That Matter Most
Morning Time is something I instituted several years ago in my homeschooling. It may have been a result of reading Teaching From Rest, as the practice of it is mentioned in Sarah’s book. However, wanting to understand and develop it more, I turned to this book by Pam Barnhill of Your Morning Basket.
It’s written in a very practical manner, and offers insights and examples from other moms. It gives great examples about how a dedicated time with all your students together in the morning can set the tone for your school day, help condense your schedule with subjects everyone can learn at the same time, and focus on the “riches” that might be hard to fit in otherwise.
4–Educating the Wholehearted Child
If I recall correctly, this book by Clay and Sally Clarkson was the first homeschooling book I read and purchased, so it has a bit of a nostalgic admiration for me. This book is older, as it was first published in 1994 and is in its 4th edition, but I find the message and material to be timeless.
I included it in my top 5 homeschooling book picks because it is a wealth of information that communicates well the heart of homeschooling from a Christian perspective.
The approach focuses on the whole being of your child, not just meeting the requirements of your local school district.
I might also regard it as a parenting book. In fact, the first section of the book is home-focused in creating an environment as parents that shapes our children’s hearts and minds.
While not necessarily a book I would sit down and read from cover to cover before bed, it is filled with so many ideas that I come back to it frequently.
Unlike the other books, the margins of each page are filled with scriptures, quotes, lists and personal experiences from the authors that are a wealth of information on their own. The recommended reading lists and resources in the appendices are also quite helpful.
5–8 Great Smarts: Discover and Nurture Your Child’s Intelligences
This book by Kathy Koch is not a homeschooling book per se, but rather a book about your children and how they learn. It introduced me to the “8 Great Smarts,” which are the different ways our children are intelligent. Just as our kids have different personalities, so too they have leanings towards learning in different ways.
I first heard Kathy speak at a homeschool convention, and this information was so awesome for me. It gave me some practical ideas of how I can approach educating my children according to their particular “smarts” and strengthen the areas that are weaker.
This book isn’t a must read before you start homeschooling book, but definitely one that could guide curriculum choices, how you structure the day, and how you interact with each of your children during the school day (and in life in general!).

What Are Your Top Homeschooling Book Picks?
I hope this list provides you with a starting point of some great books that will speak to both the new and seasoned homeschooler alike. There are so many great books out there, it’s hard to pick just a few.
I love to read about homeschooling, and reading is a big part of my self-care routine. Probably like you, however, my reading time is limited so I have to be selective.
I hope my top 5 homeschooling book picks will help guide your choices so you can spend your reading time wisely.