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Simple Self-Care for Fall

With summer slowly slipping away, it’s time to welcome the beauty of fall. Its a great time to incorporate seasonal activities into your self-care routine. Self-care for fall can be so cozy and delightful!

Self-Care for Autumn

I’m a big-time warm weather girl, so the fact that I am soon saying goodbye to my favorite weather is leaving me feeling a bit sad. Okay…a lot sad. There are so many things I love about warm weather that I’ll spare telling you about it now.

Instead, I’ll save it for a nostalgic mid-winter post when we are all grieving the cloudy, gray days and wondering how we will survive until spring.

Until then, I am soaking up the great mid-seventies weather days full of warm sunshine, enjoying the last fruits from the garden, and celebrating that I can still manage to wear my flip-flops most of the time. 

However, I’m not going to live in total denial of the fact that autumn is officially here (even though it still feels summery), which for me requires a mental shift. I want to try to embrace the season and all that it has to offer. When I do, I have a more grateful mindset, and that improves my overall well-being and the state of our homeschool as well.

fall self-care ideas for moms

There are a lot of great things to enjoy in fall, and in the Midwest it’s one of the most beautiful times of year. I enjoy apple picking and pumpkins, chrysanthemums in bloom, going for drives to take in the fall foliage, and of course, the smell of a campfire. I also enjoy looking for fall-themed books to incorporate into our homeschool, as well as fall-related art projects

How Are You Caring For Yourself During Fall?

Are you finding time to enjoy the season?

Are you making time for yourself amidst the busy?

As homeschool moms, it’s crucial that we make time for self-care.

I don’t mean the type of self-care that is random and only happens once in a blue moon. For example, when we just read an article in our favorite magazine about self-care, so we decide to go paint our fingernails and call it good.

What I’m talking about is self-care with a plan and a purpose that stays on your schedule. It’s something that happens deliberately and intentionally. It is a crucial, life-giving habit.

(Not sure about your self-care as a homeschool mom? Check out What Is Homeschool Mom Self-Care, Anyways?)

So often, we spend great amounts of time figuring out our curriculum for the year; daily schedules; what books we want to do as read-aloud; field trips we might take. We even plan out all the great fall-inspired activities we want to do as a family to build traditions and memories.

However, when it comes to planning out time for ourselves that will nourish and re-energize us, we most likely would achieve a grade of D. Maybe a C.

(I know, we’re homeschoolers so we don’t give out many grades, but for the point I’m trying to make, I’m gonna dole out some grades!)

self-care ideas for fall

Time for a Change

I think we can do better this school year, homeschool moms, and this is the perfect time to start! Those first few weeks of getting school underway are passed. Hopefully, you’ve found a routine and rhythm to the school day.

It’s time to put a little bit of focus on you.

Lacking creative ideas? Grab my Simple Self-Care Ideas for Fall.

self-care for fall homeschool mom

Treat this list like a checklist if you want, print it out, hang it on the fridge, and start ticking them off. Do them all? Why not?!?  Or just pick one or two that resonate with you.

Pace yourself. Perhaps these are some ideas you can add to your self-care plan:

Send someone a note of thanks

Sit on the porch and read a new book

Start and end each day with a prayer


Whatever you decide, get your self-care plan going today! Investing in yourself is a habit that will reap rewards for your mind, body and soul. A homeschool mom will always benefit from keeping her own self-care a priority. Not only does it benefit you profoundly, but your family and your homeschool will be influenced in a positive way as well.

Looking for more self-care inspiration? Check out Why You Need a Mom Retreat Now! and How to Plan An Amazing Mom Retreat. This just might be the start of something beautiful in your self-care journey!

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Cari

    Hi Jamie! I think this is fantastic! I look forward to reading all that you have to share. Self care is so important and I wish I would have made that more of a priority through all of those years.

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